Early intervention programmes (EIP) are extremely beneficial in the rehabilitation of individuals with developmental delay. EIPs should involve a holistic approach utilizing the services of a complete team of health care professionals, including therapists and educators.
SGEnable is the governmental agency that handles the referrals of thousands of children requiring an EIP. It will coordinate the placement of a child requiring such services to a suitable centre providing the Early Intervention Programme for Infants and Children, better known as the EIPIC Programme. Situated in many Centres throughout Singapore, EIPIC provides intensive intervention for children aged 0-6 years. SpecialKids Clinic is a referral centre to the EIPIC through SGEnable. We also liaise and provide input where needed to the centres providing intervention for the children we see.
EIPs are also available in private centres. For parents who prefer not to place their child in a VWO or one of the EIPIC centres, they can opt to place their child in one of these private EIP centres. SpecialKids Clinic also acts as a liaison for these children and continues to work closely with these centres to target achievement of optimal potential.
We provide the individualised case managerial care needed for each special needs child.